Celebrate like a ROCK STAR because Evernight Publishing is THREE!

B-day 1

In three short years, Evernight has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to readers like you! Evernight is pulling out all the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY BASH BLOG HOP in your honor!

That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but YOU get the presents…

Prizes include:


Samsung Galaxy Tab

Kindle Paperwhite

Kobo Touch

$100 Evernight and Amazon Gift Certificates

Mega Evernight Swag Pack

Plus, each author on the hop will offer his/her own special prize!

As an author, I’m thrilled to share my stories with you and Evernight helps make my books shine! Here’s one reason why I love Evernight Publishing:

I love Evernight with all the passion of first love. No matter what happens in my future writing career Evernight will remain my first publisher, my first love. Just like those heady teenage days:

I sit at my computer desperately waiting for e-mails from them to let me know if they like me too (or rather my stories).

They hold my hand, making me feel loved (answering all those pesky questions I’ve thought to ask about contracts or tax payment it’s great they’re Canadian as it makes paying tax so much easier than with an American company).

When cover art comes through I swoon in its presence. Being with Evernight is like being with the school heartthrob, the idolized rock star, the workplace hottie.Best cover art EVER!

I have a whole new circle of friends: their friends are my friends. Seriously chatting with Evernight authors and readers is great and meeting them in person even better 🙂

And most importantly I never want the relationship to end. Does first love last? With books it can! While readers keep buying my stories I’m going to keep sending them to Evernight. I Write all sorts from regency ménage, to fantasy fairy tales with  all male contemporary romance in between – there’s something for everyone who likes a sexy story. Please take a look. Morgan x

To win a prize from me all you have to do is ‘like’ my facebook page Everyone liking my page during the Evernight party will go into a random draw where one lucky person will win a £5 gift voucher (yes I’m British, but the winner can negotiate with me as to where the gift voucher comes from and I will round the amount up to the most appropriate $ equivalent if the winner is in the USA and so forth). If you already like me on fb, start loving me by following my blog and leaving a comment below 🙂 ) Feel free to follow me on twitter to if you fancy it! Morgan King @EroticWritings

Enter to win the Grand Prizes using Rafflecopter: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/e561a316/

Hop to the next stop here: http://www.inlinkz.com/wpview.php?id=314265

It’s the perfect time to buy the Evernight titles on your TBR list, as well as new gems you find during the event, because Evernight’s entire backlist is on sale at evernightpublishing.com and allromanceebooks.com through October 7th!
